Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) – SECURITY DEPARTMENT
The main mission of the Security Department is to protect CTU from activities and phenomena that may threaten or disrupt its internal security.
The Security Department also focuses on preventing and dealing with processes, attitudes and actions that are not in conformity with the laws of the Czech Republic and the internal regulations of CTU and are incompatible with ČVUT’s mission and status as one of the leading Czech universities.
CURRENT SECURITY SITUATION – Everything is as it should be
CS Online Training
According to the Organizational Regulations, the Security Department is a department with universitty-wide competence. The head of the Department is subordinated to the President of the University; the activities of the Department and the powers of the Security Director are primarily:
- develops the ČVUT’s Security Strategy and is responsible for its implementation,
- methodically manages, coordinates and supervises the area of health and safety at work and fire protection,
- methodically manages, coordinates and supervises physical, personnel and administrative security in accordance with Act No. 412/2005 Coll., on the protection of classified information and on security competence,
- methodically manages, coordinates and supervises the development and management of processes in the cybersecurity area in accordance with Act No 181/2014 Coll., on cybersecurity,
- methodically manages, coordinates and supervises the functionin of th CTU in crisis situations,
- is authorised to communicate with state administration authorities, law enforcement agencies and crisis management authorities in matters related to CTU’s security,
- is authorised to communicate with the National Security Authority, the National Cyber and Information Security Agency and other public administration authorities in matters related to the exercise of the executive powers of the person responsible for handling classified information and in the cybersecurity area.